3.1 Zone Descriptions (2024)

  • 3.1.1 N-1D Downtown/Regional Hub
  • 3.1.2 N-1C Mixed Use Core
  • 3.1.3 N-1S Secondary Employment Center
  • 3.1.4 N-C2 Mixed Use Center
  • 3.1.5 N-2E Mixed-Use Edge
  • 3.1.6 N-2R Residential
  • 3.1.7 N-3C Mixed-Use Center
  • 3.1.8 N-3E Mixed-Use Edge
  • 3.1.9 N-3R Residential
  • 3.1.10 N-4-30 Single-Family
  • 3.1.11 N-4-50 Single-Family
  1. Purpose

    The N-1D zone addresses the core of downtown Buffalo to facilitate development of substantial scale with an intense mix of uses.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance with Section 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-1D zone:

    • Civic Building
    • Commercial Block
    • Stacked Units
    • Tower
  3. General

    All development in the N-1D zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3

3.1.2 N-1C Mixed Use Core

  1. Purpose

    The N-1C zone addresses mixed-use centers of high intensity, in strategic locations such as on the edges of downtown or proximate to light rail rapid transit, and often featuring mid-rise buildings.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance with Section 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-1C zone: - Attached House - Carriage House - Civic Building - Stacked Units

  3. General

    All development in the N-1C zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3
    Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
    Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
    Site ImpactsSection 7.6
    Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
    Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
    Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
    Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4
    On-Premise SignsSection 9.2
    BlocksSection 10.1
    Rights-of-WaySection 10.2
    NonconformitiesSection 12.1
  1. Purpose

    The N-1S zone addresses mixed-use employment centers primarily located along the New York Central Belt Line, often defined by mid-rise and large-footprint industrial structures.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance withSection 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-1S zone:

    • Civic Building
    • Commercial Block
    • Stacked Units
    • Tower
  3. General

    All development in the N-1S zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3

3.1.4 N-C2 Mixed Use Center

  1. Purpose

    The N-2C zone addresses mixed-use, walkable centers of Buffalo’s most compact neighborhoods, many of which were fully developed before the automobile became prominent.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance withSection 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-2C zone:

    • Carriage House
    • Civic Building
    • Commercial Block
    • Shopfront House
  3. General

    All development in the N-2C zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3
    Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
    Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
    Site ImpactsSection 7.6
    Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
    Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
    Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
    Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4
  1. Purpose

    The N-2E zone addresses transitional areas, typically at the edges of more intense mixed-use centers, in Buffalo’s most compact neighborhoods. These areas are defined by a mix of homes and stores.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance withSection 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-2E zone:

    • Attached House
    • Carriage House
    • Civic Building
    • Commercial Block
    • Detached House
    • Shopfront House
    • Stacked Units
  3. General

    All development in the N-2E zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3
    Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
    Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
    Site ImpactsSection 7.6
    Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
    Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
    Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
    Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4

3.1.6 N-2R Residential

  1. Purpose

    The N-2R zone addresses residential areas adjoining more intensive mixed-use centers, generally defined by compact residential blocks, which occasionally include small mixed use buildings.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance withSection 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-2R zone:

    • Attached House
    • Carriage House
    • Civic Building
    • Detached House
    • Stacked Units
  3. General

    All development in the N-2R zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3
    Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
    Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
    Site ImpactsSection 7.6
    Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
    Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
    Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
    Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4
  1. Purpose

    The N-3C zone addresses mixed-use, walkable centers of Buffalo’s moderately compact neighborhoods.These neighborhood centers were originally served by Buffalo’s streetcar system, though many developed following the introduction of the automobile.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance withSection 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-3C zone:

    • Carriage House
    • Civic Building
    • Commercial Block
    • Shopfront
    • Shopfront House
  3. General

    All development in the N-3C zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3
    Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
    Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
    Site ImpactsSection 7.6
    Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
    Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
    Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
    Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4
    On-Premise SignsSection 9.2
    BlocksSection 10.1
    Rights-of-WaySection 10.2
    NonconformitiesSection 12.1

3.1.8 N-3E Mixed-Use Edge

  1. Purpose

    The N-3E zone addresses transitional areas in Buffalo’s streetcar neighborhoods, typically located at the edges of more intense mixed-use centers. These areas are defined primarily by a mix of homes and stores.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance withSection 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-3E zone:

    • Attached House
    • Carriage House
    • Civic Building
    • Commercial Block
    • Detached House
    • Shopfront
    • Shopfront House
    • Stacked Units
  3. General

    All development in the N-3E zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3
    Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
    Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
    Site ImpactsSection 7.6
    Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
    Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
    Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
    Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4
    On-Premise SignsSection 9.2
    BlocksSection 10.1
    Rights-of-WaySection 10.2
    NonconformitiesSection 12.1
  1. Purpose

    The N-3R zone addresses residential areas adjoining the centers of Buffalo’s streetcar neighborhoods, generally defined by moderately compact residential blocks, which occasionally include small mixed use buildings.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance withSection 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-3R zone:

    • Attached House
    • Carriage House
    • Civic Building
    • Detached House
    • Stacked Units
  3. General

    All development in the N-3R zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3
    Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
    Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
    Site ImpactsSection 7.6
    Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
    Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
    Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
    Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4
    On-Premise SignsSection 9.2
    BlocksSection 10.1
    Rights-of-WaySection 10.2
    NonconformitiesSection 12.1

3.1.10 N-4-30 Single-Family

  1. Purpose

    The N-4-30 zone addresses areas that are composed primarily of single-family homes on moderately compact lots of at least 30 feet in width.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance withSection 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-4-30 zone: - Civic Building - Detached House

  3. General

    All development in the N-4-30 zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3
    Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
    Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
    Site ImpactsSection 7.6
    Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
    Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
    Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
    Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4
    On-Premise SignsSection 9.2
    BlocksSection 10.1
    Rights-of-WaySection 10.2
    NonconformitiesSection 12.1
  1. Purpose

    The N-4-50 zone addresses areas that are composed primarily of single-family homes on lots of at least 50 feet in width.

  2. Building Types

    The form requirements of the neighborhood zones are tailored to each building type in accordance withSection 3.2. The following building types are permitted in the N-4-50 zone:

    • Civic Building
    • Detached House
  3. General

    All development in the N-4-50 zone must comply with the form standards of Section 3.2, as well as any applicable standards in other sections, including the following:

    Frontage ElementsSection 3.3
    Principal UsesSection 6.1
    Accessory UsesSection 6.2
    Temporary UsesSection 6.3
    LandscapeSection 7.1
    Fences and WallsSection 7.2
    StormwaterSection 7.3
    Outdoor LightingSection 7.4
    Corner VisibilitySection 7.5
    Site ImpactsSection 7.6
    Pedestrian AccessSection 8.1
    Bicycle Access and ParkingSection 8.2
    Vehicle Access and ParkingSection 8.3
    Transportation Demand ManagementSection 8.4
    On-Premise SignsSection 9.2
    BlocksSection 10.1
    Rights-of-WaySection 10.2
    NonconformitiesSection 12.1
3.1 Zone Descriptions (2024)


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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.