37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (2024)


Yellow perennial flowers are a wonderful addition to any garden, offering a splash of sunshine and positivity. Yellow stands for happiness and optimism, often associated with joy and clarity.

A garden filled with yellow perennials can uplift your spirits and brighten your day. With their annual return, these flowers ensure a consistent display of beauty and cheerfulness.

Discover our curated list of yellow perennial flowers that will transform your garden into a radiant haven year after year.

Different Types of Yellow Perennial Flowers


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (1)

Lantanas (Lantana camara) are full-sun loving plants that can withstand heat and drought. Once established, plant them in soil that drains well and give them regular watering. Once established, they only require sporadic watering when there are protracted dry spells. To stimulate new blooms, deadhead spent flowers, then softly prune in the early spring to encourage bushier growth. Because lantanas are susceptible to cold, keep them covered during the winter in areas with lower temperatures.

Corydalis lutea

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (2)

With clusters of yellow flowers and delicate, fern-like leaves, Corydalis lutea brings a distinctive element to any garden. These low-maintenance perennials are perfect for rock gardens or border plantings since they grow well in moist, well-draining soil with partial shade. Even though they are usually low maintenance, fertilizer once in a while can promote growth and improve appearance. They’re a great addition to the landscape because of their appeal and toughness.

Achillea Millefolium

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (3)

The striking addition to low-maintenance gardening is Achillea millefolium (Yarrow), which features clusters of tiny, vibrant yellow blooms. This perennial, resistant to drought, produces an abundance of blossoms from early summer until fall. Yarrow grows best in soil that drains well and gets full sun. Throughout the growth season, a brilliant show is ensured by deadheading spent flowers, as this encourages additional blooming. It is a beautiful and resilient plant that is a great choice for a garden.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (4)

English daisies, or Bellis perennis, are pretty low-growing perennials with white petals and radiant yellow cores. These adaptable flowers grow best in well-draining soil and in full sun to light shade. Even though they require little care, frequent irrigation during dry seasons keeps them healthy. English daisies are a great addition to any garden because of their endearing beauty and flexibility; they bring a little happiness wherever they bloom.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (5)

Vibrant yellow types of hibiscus, which are known for their tropical beauty, are available. With their vibrant summertime blooms, these perennials add a striking touch to gardens. They thrive in full sun and well-drained soil, but they also need frequent watering, especially in the dry months. Mulching around their base helps them retain moisture, which guarantees that they grow and bloom beautifully all season long.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (6)

Helenium, often known as sneezeweed, is a plant that attracts butterflies and bees with its clusters of vivid yellow-orange flowers. These hardy perennials like full sun and soil that drains well. Despite needing little care, they gain from deadheading to guarantee ongoing blooming. Heleniums are a popular choice for gardeners looking for bright and dynamic displays because of their eye-catching blooms and animal appeal, which enhance any garden’s beauty and ecological significance.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (7)

Hemerocallis, or daylilies, come in a variety of hues, including various tones of yellow. Because of their abundant summer flowers, these low-maintenance perennials are popular and suitable for gardens of all sizes. Daylilies are low maintenance plants that bring brilliant bursts of color to landscapes. They thrive in sunny places with well-draining soil. Gardeners who want simple yet beautiful flower arrangements continue to adore daylilies for their beauty and adaptability.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (8)

Clusters of tiny, star-shaped flowers in a variety of colors of yellow are the hallmark of Sedum (Sedum spectabile), adding a versatile touch to any garden. Their foliage, which resembles succulents and thrives in both full and partial shade, gives the environment some texture and interest. Once established, Sedum requires little care and is drought-tolerant, making it a hassle-free option for gardeners looking to create beautiful yet easy outdoor settings.

Calla Lilies

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (9)

Not only are calla lilies (Zantedeschia) known for their grace, but they also come in eye-catching yellow tones. They require frequent watering, especially during dry seasons, to thrive. They do best in soil that is wet and well-draining, with partial to full light. Calla Lilies arouse admirers with their dazzling blooms and graceful presence, adding a touch of sophistication and beauty to any landscape.

Coreopsis tinctoria

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (10)

Similar to Coreopsis grandiflora, Coreopsis tinctoria has eye-catching yellow and red blooms all summer long. These perennials are great choices since they tolerate drought and thrive in hot, dry conditions. Once established, they need little care and prefer full sun and well-draining soil. Coreopsis tinctoria is a preferred choice for individuals looking for eye-catching floral displays in difficult conditions because of its brilliant colors and durability, which offer a burst of beauty to gardens.

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (11)

Known for its therapeutic properties, St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) adds vibrant yellow flowers to gardens all summer long. This low-maintenance perennial is ideal for enhancing rock gardens and borders with brilliant colors. Even though it needs little maintenance, periodic pruning keeps it in shape and ensures a tidy and attractive presentation. St. John’s Wort is still a popular choice for garden landscapes because of its healing properties and attractive blossoms.

Prickly Pear

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (12)

The Prickly Pear (Opuntia) cactus adds a bit of originality to landscapes with its eye-catching yellow blossoms in warmer regions. They thrive in arid environments and require little watering, making them ideal for xeriscaping projects. The tenacious and eye-catching Prickly Pear cactus thrives in full sun and well-draining soil, which makes it a great addition to gardens, particularly in dry areas where its beauty can be appreciated even in harsh circ*mstances.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (13)

Although they are not real perennials, daffodils (Narcissus) provide a flash of yellow in the early spring. If you plant them alongside summer-blooming perennials, you’ll have color from April until the end of summer. Daffodils are low maintenance plants that thrive in full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil. However, they do benefit from deadheading old blooms. Their early blossoms bring brightness to gardens before summer perennials take center stage, signaling the coming of spring.

Graham Thomas Rose

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (14)

The Graham Thomas Rose is highly valued for both its captivating scent and vivid yellow blossoms. They are a delight to any garden, growing in rich, well-drained soil and full sun. They may be kept in shape and healthy with occasional pruning and regular hydration. Rose lovers and gardeners alike adore Graham Thomas Roses because of their exquisite beauty and delightful scent, which lends a sense of refinement and allure to landscapes.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (15)

Dahlias are prized for their magnificent, enormous flowers and wide range of hues, which include different tones of yellow, which give summer gardens life. They like full sun and soil that drains well, and they need to be watered frequently and fertilized sometimes to produce a lot of flowers. Dahlias continue to be a popular option for gardeners looking to add color and charm to their outdoor areas all summer long because of its alluring beauty and adaptability.

Golden Marguerite

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (16)

Golden Marguerite, also known as yellow chamomile (Anthemis tinctoria), has daisy-like blooms that are yellow and golden-orange in color. They grow easily and thrive in full light and well-draining soil. They require little maintenance once established and can withstand droughts. Golden Marguerite is a great option for gardeners looking for a brilliant yet low-maintenance floral display because of its cheery hues and sturdiness, which give brightness and charm to gardens.

Red Hot Poker

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (17)

The fiery-looking Red Hot Poker plant has spikes of yellow to orange flowers. Growing beautifully in gardens with well-draining soil and full sun, it’s a striking addition. Once planted, it requires little care and can withstand droughts. Gardeners looking for eye-catching displays love the Red Hot Poker because of its brilliant colors and resilient nature, which lend drama and elegance to outdoor environments.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (18)

Although they are more commonly associated with pink colors, carnations (Dianthus caryophyllus) also come in a lovely yellow variant. These easy-care perennials prefer full light and soil that drains properly. For maximum growth, carnations require intermittent fertilization and frequent irrigation. Carnations can give a touch of beauty and elegance to landscapes with their attractive flowers and little maintenance requirements. They come in a variety of hues that may brighten any outdoor area.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (19)

Solidago, or goldenrod, is sometimes called a weed yet produces bright yellow flower clusters that brighten gardens all summer long. These hardy perennials are perfect for adding a pop of color to wildflower gardens. Once established, they are drought-tolerant and require little care, growing well in full sun and well-draining soil. In spite of its unfavorable image, goldenrod is a delightful and upbeat addition to landscapes, drawing pollinators and bringing life to organic environments.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (20)

Despite being thought of as weeds, dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are visually attractive plants that provide gardens with color. They prefer full sun or partial shade and grow in a variety of soil conditions. Despite being low-maintenance, if left unchecked, they can spread swiftly. Dandelions bring an unexpected beauty to outdoor settings with their cheery blossoms and tenacity.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (21)

Ranunculus boasts a range of colors, including beautiful tones of yellow, and is known for its rose-like beauty. They grow well in direct sunlight and produce beautiful cut flowers. For optimal growth, ranunculus requires soil that drains well and receives frequent irrigation as well as sporadic fertilizing. Ranunculus is a beloved option for gardeners and florists seeking beauty and diversity because of their striking look and versatility, which offer elegance and charm to gardens and flower arrangements alike.

Yellow Coneflower

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (22)

The yellow coneflower, or Echinacea paradoxa, is distinguished from its purple siblings by its characteristic lemon-yellow petals that droop. These vibrant blooms demand well-draining soil and grow well in both full sun and moderate shade. Once grown, they require little maintenance and can withstand droughts. Yellow coneflowers are a delightful addition to gardens due to their distinctive appearance and ability to adapt to different light situations. They are very resilient and require little maintenance.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (23)

With their distinctive, snap-like blossoms, Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) give gardens a whimsical feel. They bloom all summer long and come in a variety of colors, including yellow. Snapdragons require frequent watering and the removal of old flowers from their stems. They prefer full sun over partial shade and well-draining soil. They give a pleasant touch to any garden with their brilliant colors and appealing design.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (24)

Tickseed (Coreopsis verticillata), also known as threadleaf coreopsis, features delicate yellow flowers that add a soft touch to any garden. Preferring full sun and well-draining soil, these plants are drought-tolerant once established and require minimal maintenance. With their graceful blooms and hardy nature, Tickseed is an excellent choice for gardeners seeking a low-maintenance yet beautiful addition to their outdoor spaces.

Yellow Columbine

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (25)

Yellow Columbine (Aquilegia flavescens) showcases unique, bell-shaped flowers in lovely shades of yellow and gold. These perennials thrive in partial shade and prefer moist, well-draining soil. Regular watering and deadheading spent flowers help maintain their vibrant blooms. With their distinctive appearance and ease of care, Yellow Columbine adds a touch of elegance and charm to shaded garden areas.

American Gold Rush

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (26)

A recent addition to the Rudbeckia family, American Gold Rush (Rudbeckia fulgida) features bright yellow blooms with enhanced disease resistance. Preferring full sun to partial shade and well-draining soil, they are drought-tolerant once established and require minimal maintenance. Regular deadheading, occasional dividing, and adequate sunlight and water will keep these perennials blooming all summer. Mix different yellow perennials for a stunning, vibrant display, ensuring a lively and joyful garden throughout the season.

Black-Eyed Susan

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (27)

A beloved yellow perennial, Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) has stunning yellow petals with a dark brown center. It grows well in full sun and well-draining soil, making it perfect for novices. Watering it frequently is necessary until it takes root; after that, it can withstand droughts. During dry spells, very little watering is required. Deadheading faded blooms promotes further flowering, making it a wonderful choice for any garden.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (28)

Irises (Iris spp.) are well-known for their eye-catching purple blooms, however some have bright yellow blossoms as well. These perennials thrive in both full sun and moderate shade, adding brilliant color to any garden. To avoid rot, plant them in soil that drains properly, making sure the rhizome tips are exposed. Every few years, divide your irises to prevent crowding and encourage good blooming, which will result in a stunning and vibrant display.

Shasta Daisies

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (29)

Shasta Daisies (Leucanthemum x superbum), with their iconic white petals and yellow centers, also come in a bright yellow variety. Blooming all summer, these classic perennials are a delightful garden addition. They thrive in full sun and well-draining soil, requiring minimal maintenance. Regular deadheading encourages continuous blooming, ensuring a vibrant and long-lasting display throughout the season.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (30)

Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) are garden staples known for their easy maintenance and vibrant, cheerful blooms. These perennials add charm with colors from pale yellow to deep orange. They thrive in various conditions, being relatively drought-tolerant, but benefit from regular watering. Deadheading spent flowers encourages more blooms, ensuring a colorful and lively display in any outdoor space.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (31)

With its golden-yellow, daisy-like blooms, Coreopsis (Coreopsis grandiflora) is a popular plant for bringing brilliant color to landscapes. These perennials prefer full light and soil that drains properly. Once planted, they need little maintenance and can withstand droughts. Deadheading periodically ensures a bright and cheery show all growing season long by encouraging continual flowering.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (32)

Begonias (Begonia spp.) are versatile plants that thrive in both sun and shade, depending on the variety. Yellow-flowered begonias usually prefer partial to full shade. Plant them in well-draining soil and water regularly, maintaining consistent moisture without waterlogging. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage more blooms, and lightly fertilize every few weeks during the growing season. In colder climates, bring begonias indoors before the first frost.

Blanket Flowers

37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (33)

Blanket Flowers (Gaillardia x grandiflora) are resilient and low-maintenance perennials. Drought-tolerant once established, they require careful watering to avoid overwatering. Deadheading spent flowers promotes continuous blooming throughout the summer. To maintain vigor, divide the plants every few years. Generally resistant to pests and diseases, Blanket Flowers are an excellent choice for novice gardeners seeking a vibrant, trouble-free addition to their garden.


37 Yellow Perennial Flowers with Pictures and Names (2024)


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