Dough (2024)

Dough (1) Article
Dough (2) Combos

Dough is a Mythical Elemental-type Blox Fruit that costs Dough (3) 2,800,000 or Dough (4) 2,400 from the Blox Fruit Dealer.

Dough has incredible PvP potential and moderate grinding capabilities when awakened, having great stuns, Instinct break, and great damage on almost every move, making it simultaneously gain an incredibly high value in trading. It is considered to be one of the hardest Blox Fruits to awaken but also one of the best by the community. Even though it is an Elemental-type Blox Fruit, it is not recommended to use it in First Sea and early Second Sea due to its high mastery requirements and most of the V1 moves being single-target. However, using it simply for its Elemental Reflex can be useful, though alternatives, such as Light are way better.


  • 1 Awakening
    • 1.1 Awakening Order
    • 1.2 Unlocking Dough Raid
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Overview
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Change History
  • 7 Navigation


Dough costs Dough (5) 18,500 to fully awaken.

The "Bread Chaser" title #042 will be granted upon awakening at least one move of Dough.

Awakening Order

MoveDough (6)Dough (7)Dough (8)Dough (9)Dough (10)Dough (11)
Price Dough (12) 500 Dough (13) 2,000 Dough (14) 3,000 Dough (15) 4,000 Dough (16) 4,000 Dough (17) 5,000

Unlocking Dough Raid

  1. The player must obtain a Dough (18) God's Chalice and Dough (19) 10 Conjured Cocoas.
    • It is recommended to grind Dough (20) Conjured Cocoas when waiting for other things to spawn, such as Elite Pirates or God's Chalice from a chest in order to save time.
  2. The player must use the materials collected above to trade for a Sweet Chalice from Sweet Crafter located at Chocolate Land in Sea of Treats.
  3. The player must talk to drip_mama (located in front of the large mirror in the center of Cake Land) after 500 Enemies have been defeated at Cake Land to summon Dough King using Sweet Chalice.
    • It is recommended to do this in a private server with a few friends, as trollers or scripters could spawn Cake Prince instead.
    • The player who has Sweet Chalice should be the one checking drip_mama, and be the one opening the portal while other players kill Enemies, as Sweet Chalice will disappear upon death or disconnection of the player owning it.
  4. Once defeated, Dough King will drop Red Key (assuming the player did 10% or more of the total damage).
  5. The player must use Red Key to permanently unlock the door inside Candy Castle at Cake Land.
    • Even if the player disconnects or dies with Red Key, they will still be able to buy Dough Raid Microchips.

Talk to Cake Scientist to buy a Dough Raid Microchip at the cost of Dough (21) 1,000 every two hours, or a physical Blox Fruit that is worth at least Dough (22) 1,000,000.Players will now be able to buy Dough Raid Microchips from Mysterious Scientist upon completing the previous steps.


  • Passive

  • Moveset (V1)

  • Moveset (V2)

  • Stats

Elemental Reflex
The user is immune to all physical attacks (fighting styles, swords, guns) from players without Aura and lower level Enemies.

Dough (23)

Dough (24) Fried Dough

1 Mastery


Dough (25) Fried Dough
1 Mastery
Dough (26)
The user's arm turns into an averaged sized piece of reddish orange oval dough and then shoots the dough. If the dough hits the ground or is at its max range, it will explode (averaged sized piece of orange sphere), dealing AOE damage. Landing this move directly on the player's hitbox will push them back but, it can be dodged by Instinct. However, if the player gets hit due to AoE, it will break their Instinct.

Dough (27) Sticky Dough

100 Mastery


Dough (28) Sticky Dough
100 Mastery
Dough (29)
The user creates a long lasso out of dough. If the lasso is launched at a nearby enemy, the target will get grabbed, lifted up and then slammed down. This does not break Instinct and is single-target. The lasso can be aimed while holding the user.

Dough (30) Carved Dough

200 Mastery


Dough (31) Carved Dough
200 Mastery
Dough (32)
Turns the user into a donut, and when the [C] key is released, it turns the user's hand into a fried dough-like club but black and spikey and slams the user down on the target. If this attack hits, it will knock the target up while breaking Instinct. Although it can be used to travel, it’s not recommended because of the short travel time.

Dough (33) Restless Dough Barrage

300 Mastery


Dough (34) Restless Dough Barrage
300 Mastery
Dough (35)
The user makes rings around the target. The rings will have fists (without Aura colors) coming out and hitting targets if the targets are in the range of the attack. It hits the targets more if the [V] button is held longer. This stuns the enemies in place while breaking Instinct.

Dough (36) Roller Donut

50 Mastery


Dough (37) Roller Donut
50 Mastery
Dough (38)
The user turns into a donut and rolls at a decent pace. However, it can only travel for 30 seconds. It cannot roll above water, unlike its awakened version, however, with shark race, it can still be used for traveling in water. The higher the user's health, the faster they will roll.

Dough (39) Tap

Dough (40) 4,000


Dough (41) Tap
Dough (42) 4,000
Dough (43)
The user summons a donut which punches directly at the cursor. The maximum amount of punches before the move restarts is three. The longer the user holds, the more damage the enemy takes and the farther it punches, As well as summoning tendrils of dough from the ground and looping them into the shape of donuts instead of summoning them. The held version of this does not work on mobile, although using Aura will increase the range.

Dough (44) Missile Jab

1 Mastery
Dough (45) 500


Dough (46) Missile Jab
1 Mastery
Dough (47) 500
Dough (48)
The user's arms turn into a chunk of dough. When released, the user fires a missile of dough, which causes an AoE explosion. Can be held for more AoE. It flings the user back slightly, depending on how long the user held it. This move can launch the user high if aimed at the ground. (Must be close to the ground)

Dough (49) Pastry River

100 Mastery
Dough (50) 3,000


Dough (51) Pastry River
100 Mastery
Dough (52) 3,000
Dough (53)
Dough (54)
This move offers two distinct variations:
  • If used on the ground:
    • The user summons a statuette of dough from the ground which plumages the enemy upwards. After a moment, the enemy crashes on the ground, stunning them. This move gains a bigger hitbox when held.
  • If used in the air:
    • The user stretches their arm. If hits, barrages them with dough punches, and when it is fully complete, it punches the enemy into the ground. This version increases in range when held.

Dough (55) Piercing Clothesline

200 Mastery
Dough (56) 4,000


Dough (57) Piercing Clothesline
200 Mastery
Dough (58) 4,000
Dough (59)
The user turns into a spiked donut, and if they collide with an enemy, the opponent will be stuck to the user's spiked dough forearm and stunned. Then, the user swings their arm several times through the air before smashing it down into the ground from a very considerable height, crushing the opponent under their weight with enough force to create a large crater, causing debris to fly into the air, and dealing massive damage. While the arm is swinging, anyone within the radius of the swing will be picked up, which makes this very good against groups of enemies. This is one of the best combo extenders in the game and pairs greatly with other fighting styles such as Godhuman.This skill can only be held (at the ball) for 4 seconds. And the animation swings then smash is also 4 seconds.

Dough (60) Dough Fist Fusillade

300 Mastery
Dough (61) 5,000


Dough (62) Dough Fist Fusillade
300 Mastery
Dough (63) 5,000
Dough (64)
The user summons multiple donuts around their cursor, and has them pummel their opponent into the ground repeatedly in 4,3 seconds. All of them punch directly in the cursor, similar to the Tap move. While the move begins, neither the user nor the enemy may move unless stopped by the user. This move cancels out if the user is damaged.

Dough (65) Scorching Donut

50 Mastery
Dough (66) 2,000


Dough (67) Scorching Donut
50 Mastery
Dough (68) 2,000
Dough (69)
The user turns into a spiked donut that starts rolling at fast speeds. This move is great for traveling as it can move on water and lava, climb walls and damage anyone that it touches while moving (unlike its unawakened version), although this can be dodged by Instinct. Its duration is infinite. However, it costs 25 energy to activate & use. This skill can stun forever, as long as the user keeps hitting them (although the enemy can attack while they're getting stunned).
  • Normal

  • Awakened

Tested on NPCs, results might not be accurate.
2550 Blox Fruit Stats, Mas. 600
(In seconds)
[Z] Fried Dough
[X] Sticky Dough
[C] Carved Dough
[V] Restless Dough Barrage (Held)
[F] Roller Donut
Tested on NPCs, results might not be accurate.
2550 Blox Fruit Stats, Mas. 600
(In seconds)
(M1) Tap
[Z] Missile Jab
[X] Pastry River (Ground)
[X] Pastry River (Air)
[C] Piercing Clothesline
[V] Dough Fist Fusillade (Held)
[F] Scorching Donut
537 (per hit)

Instinct Chart

MoveBreaks InstinctInstinct-TrickableNotes
[Z] Fried Dough
Can be dodged on direct impact. Explosion Breaks Instinct.
[X] Sticky Dough
Toss breaks Instinct.
[C] Carved Dough
The slam breaks Instinct.
[V] Restless Dough Barrage
The full barrage breaks Instinct.
[F] Roller Donut
Doesn't deal damage.
MoveBreaks InstinctInstinct-TrickableNotes
[M1] Tap
Breaks Instinct no matter what.
[Z] Missile Jab
The explosion breaks Instinct. Can be dodged on direct impact, and also at the drag.
[X] Pastry River (Ground)
The spike breaks Instinct going up, but can be dodged going down.
[X] Pastry River (Air)
The initial grab can break instinct, but the barrage can be dodged (will still stun).
[C] Piercing Clothesline
The slam breaks Instinct, but the donut that activates the move can be dodged. The startup/build-up (donut) of the move breaks Instinct if the enemy is too close to the user during it.
[V] Dough Fist Fusillade
The full barrage breaks Instinct.
[F] Scorching Donut
Like the [C] move, this skill can break Instinct when close to the donut during startup.


  • Pros

  • Cons

  • Normal

  • Awakened

Pros (Unawakened)
[Z] Fried Dough
  • Good AoE.
[X] Sticky Dough
  • Possesses auto-aim when the user aims near an enemy, similar to Godhuman C.
[C] Carved Dough
  • Good mobility.
  • Decent damage.
  • Slight stun.
[V] Restless Dough Barrage
  • High stun and damage.
  • Can move enemies trapped in the attack slightly.
[F] Roller Donut
  • Decent speed.
  • Climb slopes very fast.
  • Speed is always maintained even if the user has low health.
Pros (Awakened)
  • Very good option for gaining bounty quickly in PvP.
  • Extremely high combo potential.
    • Multiple long combos that are hard for people to escape, and hence, easy for the user to repeat.
  • Decent for grinding, as it is an Elemental and the skills are mostly AoE.
  • Extremely high stun. Make it sometimes possible to counter the ability Shark V3 water body.
  • Extremely versatile and works whether the user is a fruit, sword, or gun main.
  • All moves can damage Sea Events (including the M1 move).
  • All moves have AoE.
  • All moves break instinct.
[M1] Tap
  • Long range (when held it can be longer).
  • Decent stun.
[Z] Missile Jab
  • Long range.
  • Holding will increase range, explosion and if in the center, the damage will increase.
  • No end-lag.
[X] Pastry River
  • All moves (Ground and Air) gain a noticeably bigger hitbox when held. (Air doesn't have too much of a difference)
  • Auto-aims in air.
[C] Piercing Clothesline
  • The Donut can go on water and lava.
  • Can grab multiple NPCs/Players making it powerful and useful when encountering teamers.
  • While spinning, the player will gain invulnerability to players for the duration of the attack, they cannot receive damage from water or lava. (Although from high heights users still get damage from water)
  • Huge AOE.
[V] Dough Fist Fusillade
  • Extremely good stun, making the possibility of escape almost nonexistent.
  • Good hitbox.
  • Extremely high damage.
  • No end-lag.
[F] Scorching Donut
  • Can go on water and lava.
  • Can climb walls.
  • Decent speed and damage.
  • Speed is always maintained even if the user has low health.
  • Normal

  • Awakened

Cons (Unawakened)
  • Not recommended for grinding.
  • Hard to obtain.
  • High mastery requirements.
  • Lack of mobility.
[Z] Fried Dough
  • May be hard to aim.
  • Small AoE.
  • Slow speed.
[X] Sticky Dough
  • While holding the move the user stands still, making it easy for someone to hit them.
  • Cannot allow the user to stay airborne, unlike many other holdable moves.
[C] Carved Dough
  • Move will be cancelled by being damaged while in donut form.
[V] Restless Dough Barrage
  • User is immobile while holding move, leaving room for attack.
[F] Roller Donut
  • Cannot roll in water, unless the user is Shark V2 or above.
  • Can only be held for 30 seconds, making it hard to use for travelling between islands, even if the user have Shark V2.
Cons (Awakened)
  • Although it is an extremely powerful stun, this fruit's moves require mostly close range. Dough can be countered by fruits that have the ability to continuously cancel. Like T-Rex, Kitsune, or high HP like Buddha. Angel V4 (King's Rule) and Cyborg are also a suitable choice to counter this.
  • Difficult and expensive to awaken.
  • Elemental Reflex is no longer versatile in the Third and Second Sea, as the user's level must be much higher than the NPCs without Aura, and the amount of them that do have it increases as progression goes on.
  • Heavy lack of mobility.
[M1] Tap
  • More punches doesn't mean x2, x3 damage.
  • Mobile players cannot hold the Tap in order to lengthen its output.
  • No stuns if it isn't hit on the ground.
  • The user loses their ability to Dash, Jump continuously, and Flash Step as well as using some other mechanics when held.
[Z] Missile Jab
  • Hard to hit in air.
[X] Pastry River
  • The user is vulnerable to teaming while using both versions due to the move not having iframes.
  • The air version when used on an enemy/player will make the user unable to use mobility mechanics (for example Dashing) and attacks for a while.
[C] Piercing Clothesline
  • Same as V1, the donut can be cancelled by simply shooting it with a gun, or any damaging attack.
[V] Dough Fist Fusillade
  • The user is left immobile for the duration of the move. Can be dodged with a well-timed Flash Step before the user executes the move.
  • Lacks the ability to inflict shock damage, leading to most of Dough's combos being susceptible to kill steal.
  • Higher knockback when compared to the unawakened version in grinding.
  • Can be cancelled if damaged.
  • Fully using the move causes endlag.
[F] Scorching Donut
  • Falling from a great height onto water will cancel the move. (Unless the user possesses Shark V2-V4)

Tips & Tricks

While in water, using the Restless Dough Barrage/Dough Fist Fusillade on somebody will make them stop and take damage from water. (Unless they are using Shark V2/V3/V4).
Roller Donut can be used on water if the player has the Shark race upgraded to V2 or higher.
Falling from a great height while using Scorching Donut into water can sometimes deactivate the move, unless the user is using Shark V2 and above.
Roller Donut climbs slopes much faster, but it cannot climb walls. (Not to be mistaken for Scorching Donut, which can climb walls, but climbs slopes slower).
Missile Jab will have a bigger explosion when held, since being fully held only takes about half a second, so unless used in a combo, it's better to hold it.
If the user holds Dough V2 [X] (ground), it becomes slightly taller and has a bigger overall look and hitbox. It does not deal more damage.
Although V2 is regarded as good for grinding, as it is an Elemental and the skills are mostly AoE, It is very difficult to get V2 and skills have high knockbacks. Also, most NPCs in the Second and the Third Sea have Aura, so Elemental Reflex is mostly ineffective. It is not recommended to use this fruit to farm.
It is recommended to use Angel V4's King's Rule while using Piercing Clothesline [C], since the opponent is damaged by King's Rule at the start and the end, dealing more damage. Using Cyborg's V3 ability can produce similar results.
Scorching Donut [F] and Piercing Clothesline [C] look similar, so it's recommended to keep distance. NOTE: Piercing Clothesline donut at a short distance can be Instinct dodged or just damage the donut in any way without being hit. (Using a long range attack or gun is recommended)
Human's Psycho Tier 2 ability allows the player to hold down moves without their moves being interrupted/cancelled when damaged. This is really useful as one of Dough's moves are easily cancellable by other moves and this allows the player to hold down a move like Dough Fist Fusillade [V] without getting interrupted.
If you are trying to summon the Dough King Raid boss, it is recommended to let friends kill npcs in the Cake land and you find the god's chalice and also grind for some Conjured Cocoa.


This fruit is the most expensive fruit to awaken, tied with Phoenix at Dough (70) 18,500. Although it can be argued Rumble is the most expensive fruit to awaken (if Pole V2 is included), at Dough (71) 19,500 (of which Dough (72) 5,000 is spent to get Pole V2, although it's not the fruit, but it's a sword add-on).
All of the awakened moves are affected by Aura Colors, changing the outline in all the moves and "electricity" effects. (The others can change the Aura Color being Spider)
Originally upon release, it was a special Natural-type Blox fruit instead of Elemental. It had Elemental Reflex passive for some reason but required the user to have Instinct on.
It is one of, if not the only fruit that has two variations of a move without any kind of transformation ([X] Pastry River).
There are multiple Glitches with this fruit, including:
  • Dough [X] can make the user stuck in place and unable to move until they get killed or reset and using Dough [X] on air can sometimes result to the opponent getting glitched out of the map.
  • If the user is getting hit by the awakened [V] move and someone attacks the Dough user, they will be locked in place until death or leaving.
    • This can also happen if the user is holding the move and then exits the game.
When the user uses the [Z] or [X] (Air) skill, they can see that their arm disappears but rebuilds itself with mass.
Dough V1 ([X] and [C]) bear a visual resemblance to a move from an old game made by Mygame43 "Elemental battlegrounds".
If the user uses Dough's awakened [C] move while not having any Aura Colors, the effects will default to red.
Dough is the only Mythical fruit that is an Elemental Fruit in the game as of now.
If two Dough users use Dough C against each other, both of them will hit, but no one would take damage.
Dough [C] (awakened/unawakened) can be used as an alternative for its [F] move (awakened/unawakened), but only for approximately 5 seconds.

Change History

Released in Update 9

Update 23

  • Fixed Dough [C] and [F] not working for some players.

Update 20

  • Dough Fruit's model was remade.

Dough (73)

Old Dough Fruit's icon.

Update 19

  • [C] Piercing Clothesline (V2) now needs to hit a player or an Enemy to activate.
  • Fixed Awakened Dough's abilities activating for no reason.
  • Potentially fixed Twin Hooks + Awakened Dough instantly killing opponents sometimes.

Update 18

  • [X] Pastry River (V2) was nerfed. (Lost the auto aim ability and hit more targets)
  • [C] Piercing Clothesline (V2) now adjusts to the user's Aura color.

Update 17.3

Update 14

  • Fixed the flinging bug with [C] Carved Dough and [F] Roller Donut .

Update 11

  • Dough received a slight buff.
    • Slightly reduced the delay on [V] Restless Dough Barrage.
    • Slightly increased the hitbox on [X] Sticky Dough and [C] Carved Dough.
  • Fixed [V] Restless Dough Barrage spawn on mobile.

Update 10

  • Dough was nerfed.
  • Made [C] Carved Dough and [F] Roller Donut less glitchy on mobile.

Update 9

  • Dough was released.


Blox Fruits

Dough (74)

Dough (75)

Dough (76)

Dough (77)

Dough (78)

Dough (79)

Dough (80)

Dough (81)

Dough (82)

Dough (83)

Dough (84)


Dough (85)

Dough (86)

Dough (87)

Dough (88)

Dough (89)

Dough (90)

Dough (91)

Dough (92)

Dough (93)

Dough (94)


Dough (95)

Dough (96)

Dough (97)

Dough (98)

Dough (99)


Dough (100)

Dough (101)

Dough (102)

Dough (103)

Dough (104)

Dough (105)


Dough (106)

Dough (107)

Dough (108)

Dough (109)

Dough (110)

Dough (111)

Dough (112)

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

More Fandoms
Dough (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.