Spanish Letter Closings: formal, friendly, and informal - Wanderlust Spanish (2025)

When it comes to writing informal letters in Spanish, it’s your chance to bring out your own unique style and showcase the close connections you’ve built during your time in Buenos Aires as an American expat. The closing of your letter is where you can really let your personality shine and add that friendly touch that reflects the bond you’ve formed with your Argentine friends and loved ones.

In this section, we’ll dive into the world of informal Spanish letter closings, giving you a bunch of awesome phrases that will help you wrap up your letters with a casual and personal vibe. From playful expressions to heartfelt wishes, these informal Spanish letter closings will give your correspondence that extra dose of warmth and authenticity that your amigos here in Buenos Aires will absolutely love. Get ready to sprinkle some charm on your letters as we explore the art of closing informal Spanish letters.

Formal Spanish Letter Closings


In the world of formal communication, the closing of a letter holds significant importance, as it sets the tone and reflects the level of respect and professionalism in your correspondence. When it comes to writing formal letters in Spanish, choosing the appropriate closing phrase is crucial to leave a lasting impression. A well-crafted closing not only showcases your understanding of etiquette, but also demonstrates your attention to detail and cultural awareness. In this section, we will explore the realm of formal Spanish letter closings, providing you with a range of phrases that will help you elegantly conclude your letters with dignity and professionalism.

Whether you’re writing a business letter, a formal invitation, or an academic communication, these formal Spanish letter closings will enhance the impact of your correspondence and ensure that your message is conveyed with utmost respect and courtesy.

In formal correspondence, it’s essential to use respectful and professional closing phrases. Here are a few examples of formal Spanish letter closings:

a) Atentamente – Sincerely: This closing is commonly used in formal letters to convey respect and professionalism. It is suitable for business communications, academic letters, or when writing to someone you don’t know well.

b) Cordialmente – Cordially: This closing is slightly more friendly than “Atentamente” and can be used in formal letters when you want to maintain a professional tone while adding a touch of warmth.

c) Agradezco su atención – I appreciate your attention: This closing is often used to express gratitude and appreciation for the recipient’s time and consideration. It is commonly used in formal letters of inquiry, requests, or job applications.

d) Le saluda atentamente – Yours faithfully: This closing is a formal and polite way to end a letter. It’s commonly used in formal correspondence when you want to maintain a respectful tone.

e) Con mis mejores deseos – With my best wishes: This closing conveys a sense of goodwill and positivity. It’s an appropriate choice for formal letters, especially when expressing good wishes or congratulations.

Friendly Spanish Letter Closings

When writing to friends, colleagues, or acquaintances with whom you share a friendly relationship, the closing of your Spanish letter becomes an opportunity to express warmth, affection, and camaraderie. In the realm of friendly correspondence, it’s important to choose a closing phrase that reflects the level of familiarity and intimacy in your relationship with the recipient.

By selecting the right closing, you can enhance the overall tone of your letter and leave a lasting impression of friendliness and goodwill. In this section, we will delve into the world of friendly Spanish letter closings, offering you a selection of phrases that will help you end your letters on a positive and amicable note. Whether you’re writing to a close friend, a coworker, or a casual acquaintance, these friendly Spanish letter closings will convey your genuine affection and reinforce the bond you share with the recipient. Get ready to add a personal touch to your correspondence and create meaningful connections through the power of your words. Here are a few examples:

a) Saludos cordiales – Warm regards: This closing is versatile and can be used in a variety of contexts. It conveys warmth, respect, and friendliness, making it suitable for both professional and personal letters.

b) Un abrazo – A hug: This closing is more intimate and affectionate, often used when writing to close friends, family members, or people you have a close relationship with. It adds a personal touch and shows familiarity and warmth.

c) Con cariño – With affection: This closing is reserved for close friends or family members and conveys a sense of deep affection and warmth. It’s an excellent choice for personal letters or when writing to someone you have a strong bond with.

d) Mis mejores deseos – My best wishes: This closing expresses goodwill and positivity, showing that you genuinely care about the recipient’s well-being. It’s suitable for friendly and informal correspondence.

e) Que estés bien – Take care: This closing demonstrates concern for the recipient’s well-being and safety. It’s a thoughtful way to end your letter, especially when writing to someone you care about.

Informal Spanish Letter Closings

When writing informal letters in Spanish, you have the freedom to infuse your correspondence with a sense of playfulness, familiarity, and intimacy. The closing of your letter becomes an opportunity to showcase your unique relationship with the recipient, using informal Spanish letter closings that reflect your shared bond and camaraderie. Whether you’re writing to close friends, family members, or loved ones, selecting the right closing phrase is essential to convey your affection and leave a lasting impression. In this section, we will explore the realm of informal Spanish letter closings, offering you a delightful array of phrases that will help you end your letters on a casual and personal note.

From playful expressions to heartfelt wishes, these informal Spanish letter closings will add a touch of warmth and authenticity to your correspondence, allowing you to connect with your readers in a deeply meaningful way. So, let’s dive in and discover the art of closing informal Spanish letters with style and flair. Here are a few examples:

a) Besos – Kisses: This closing is commonly used among friends or close acquaintances to express affection and friendship. It’s a lighthearted and informal way to end your letter.

b) Hasta pronto – See you soon: This closing is used to convey a sense of anticipation and excitement about seeing the recipient in the near future. It’s perfect for informal letters between friends or when you’re planning to meet up soon.

c) Abrazos y apapachos – Hugs and cuddles: This closing is an endearing and affectionate way to sign off your letter. It’s often used among close friends or family members to express warmth and love.

d) Con cariño de siempre – With love as always: This closing is a heartfelt way to show your enduring affection for the recipient. It’s suitable for informal letters to close friends or family members.

e) Te mando un abrazo fuerte – Sending you a big hug: This closing is a friendly and warm way to end your letter, conveying a sense of closeness and affection.

Mastering the art of Spanish letter closings allows you to convey the appropriate tone and level of familiarity in your correspondence. Whether you’re writing a formal business letter, a friendly note, or an informal message, the closing phrase sets the stage for the relationship between you and the recipient. By utilizing the formal, friendly, and informal Spanish letter closings mentioned above, you’ll be able to navigate the nuances of Spanish communication with finesse. So, go ahead and experiment with these closings to add that perfect touch to your Spanish correspondence. Remember, the closing is your opportunity to leave a lasting impression, so choose your words wisely. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

Spanish Letter Closings: formal, friendly, and informal - Wanderlust Spanish (2025)


How do you end a friendly letter in Spanish? ›

“Atentamente” is a common formal closing in Spanish, which translates to “sincerely” in English. Other formal options include “Cordialmente” (cordially) and “Saludos cordiales” (warm regards).

How do I formally close an email in Spanish? ›

Let's see what the options are when it comes to Spanish:
  1. Saludos cordiales – Best regards.
  2. Atentamente/Sinceramente – Sincerely.
  3. Cordialmente – Cordially.
  4. Esperando su repuesta – Waiting for your reply.
  5. Para cualquier cosa estoy a su disposición – I am at your disposal for anything you need.
Sep 16, 2019

How do you write an informal letter to a friend in Spanish? ›

Beginning an Informal Spanish Letter

To start an informal letter, you'd normally use the form of address, Querido (dear). For example: Querido Juan: (Dear Juan) Querida Ana: (Dear Ana)

How do you end an informal Spanish? ›

Un saludo. If you're looking for an easy sign-off, simply end your Spanish email with un saludo. This translates to “cheers” and can be used informally.

How do you end a friendly informal letter? ›

Often, the body of a letter will close with a request to write back. Closing: One of the final things a writer should include in a friendly letter is a closing. This may consist of "Best regards," "Warmly," "Truly," "Best wishes," "Sincerely," "Your friend," "Best," or any other ideas.

How do you end a formal informal letter? ›

How to End a Letter: 12 Useful Farewell Phrases
  1. Sincerely. Sincerely (or sincerely yours) is often the go-to sign off for formal letters, and with good reason. ...
  2. Best. ...
  3. Best regards. ...
  4. Speak to you soon. ...
  5. Thanks. ...
  6. [No sign-off] ...
  7. Yours truly. ...
  8. Take care.

How do you end an informal friendly email? ›

Informal Email Endings:

If you're emailing friends or close colleagues, you can be more relaxed. Endings like "Take care," "Have a great day," or "Catch up soon" are friendly and warm. Take care and talk soon!" Perfect for messages to friends or close colleagues.

How do you say sincerely in a letter in Spanish? ›

as "sincerely" in English, is atentamente. That can also be expanded to le saluda atentamente or les saluda atentamente, depending on whether you're writing to one or to more persons, respectively. A more casual ending that can be used in business letters is cordialmente.

How do you close an informal complimentary email? ›

Some common informal complimentary closes are 'Cheers', 'Best wishes', 'Take care', 'Yours truly' and 'Love'. These closes should be followed by a comma and your first name or nickname, or sometimes a signature.

How do you address someone formally and informally in Spanish? ›

In Spanish there are two ways of saying "you": There's the informal form, tú and the more formal usted (often abbreviated as Ud.) Whether you use tú or usted depends on a variety of different factors, but it can be a bit intimidating for English speakers used to addressing everybody as "you".

What are the useful phrases in an informal letter to a friend? ›

How are you? / How are things (with you)? / How's it going? / How's life? I hope you're fine. / I hope you and your family are well. / I do hope this e-mail / letter will find you in good health and spirits. Just thought I'd drop you a line. Glad / sorry to hear / read about …

How do I close a friendly letter in Spanish? ›

An official closing to a letter in Spanish is equally formal:
  1. Le(s) saluda atentamente, – Yours sincerely,
  2. Cordialmente, / Atentamente, – Sincerely, / Sincerely yours, / Yours sincerely,
  3. Saludos cordiales, – Best regards,
  4. Se despide cordialmente, – Saying goodbye cordially,
Nov 1, 2023

How to end an email in Spanish formally? ›

To close a formal email, you can say:
  1. Quedo pendiente de su respuesta. (I remain attentive to your response.)
  2. Espero sus noticias. Gracias por su atención. (I await the news. Thank you for your attention.)
  3. Gracias por su atención. (Thanks for your attention.)
Sep 8, 2023

Is mucho gusto formal or informal? ›

Introductions and Welcome
SpanishEnglish equivalentFormality
¿Cómo te llamas?What's your name?Informal
Mucho gustoPleasure/Nice to meet youNeutral
Encantado/ encantadaPleasure (to meet you)Neutral
Encantado/a de conocerlePleasure to meet youFormal
3 more rows

How do you end a polite letter? ›

Sign-Off: This is a polite way to end the letter.

Common sign-offs include “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Yours truly.” Choose one that matches the tone of your letter and shows respect.

How do you say goodbye in a friendly letter? ›

Casual closings
  1. Best,
  2. All the best,
  3. Thanks,
  4. Talk soon,
  5. Best wishes,
  6. Warmly,
  7. Have a good day/evening/weekend,
  8. Many thanks.
Jun 10, 2024

How do you say "best wishes" in Spanish? ›

How to say good luck in Spanish
Best wishes.Mis mejores deseos.miz meˈxoɾez ðeˈseos
I wish you a nice trip!¡Buen viaje!ˈbwem ˈbjaxe ‖
I hope you have good luck.Que tengas buena suerte.ˈke ˈtenɡaz ˈβwena ˈsweɾte
I hope you have a lot of luck.Que tengas mucha suerte.ˈke ˈtenɡaz ˈmuʧa ˈsweɾte
31 more rows
Nov 9, 2022


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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.