Sue Price – Idol Features (2025)

Former pro bodybuilder Sue Price was a 1995 Ms. Olympia finalist when she was chosen by director Albert Pyun to play Alex Sinclair in Nemesis 2: Nebula. Little did Sue know at the time, that it was to be just her first appearance in the Nemesis franchise. She reprised her role in 1996’s Nemesis 3: Time Lapse and Nemesis 4: Death Angel. After a long screen hiatus for both Sue and Alex, they returned this year for Dustin Ferguson’s Nemesis 5: The New Model, in which Alex trains the “New Model” played by Schuylar Craig.

Of course, Sue’s appearances in the Nemesis franchise shouldn’t overshadow her career as a competitive bodybuilder. Debuting in the Ms. NIU (Northern Illinois University) contest while she was a student there, Sue went on to have a very successful professional career. Winning the 1993 NPC (National Physique Committee) Nationals and the 1994 IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding & Fitness) Jan Tana Classic are just two of her crowing achievements. Above left photo, courtesy of Sue, was taken by Steve Wennerstrom at the 1992 NPC Nationals in Orlando, Florida and it appeared in the March 1993 issue of Women’s Physique World magazine.

CHRIS CHARLES: Thanks so much for doing this Sue. Would you say you’re more often recognized by fans as a pro bodybuilder or as Alex Sinclair from the Nemesis film franchise?
SUE PRICE: Well, it’s not very often these days that I get recognized for either reason, but I would say much more as a bodybuilder. Even many fans of bodybuilding were surprised to hear that I was in movies and almost none of my current friends or coworkers ever knew I was involved in either one! My character, Alex, had such a unique look, especially the hair! So I would be surprised to have anyone recognize me as Alex!
CHRIS: Our mutual friend, Dawna Lee Heising introduced us. How did the two of you meet?
SUE: I actually have seen Dawna in photos and we are social media friends, but our scenes for N5 were shot months apart, so I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her yet. But I definitely would love to someday! She is amazing!
CHRIS: That she is. So, as far as acting goes, you’re definitely best known for your role as Alex Sinclair in Albert Pyun’s Nemesis franchise. I’ve heard you say that when you were first contacted to appear in Nemesis 2, you didn’t have any prior acting experience. At that time, did you think your role in the film would be just a one-time thing?

SUE: I would say yes I probably did. Honestly, it was so exciting to even be chosen for the role that I did not think beyond that. Just being in one movie was something I never imagined I would have the opportunity to do! It was the most fun, challenging thing I have ever done! I learned so much and have so many great memories.
CHRIS: Was doing the nude scenes in N4 at all difficult or awkward for you?
SUE: At the time, yes, a little. But Albert and the crew were very considerate, making sure it was a closed set. They even made a mold of my torso, and kind of fashioned a dummy naked torso, so I didn’t have to be too uncomfortable. I wont tell you which parts of the scenes it was in! But keep in mind, there was not yet the Internet back then. And being in my twenties, I did not really think too much about whether or not I would ever regret it. But now with Youtube and things like that, it makes me uncomfortable to realize that just about anyone can see that. Not that there was anything shameful about the scenes, but it is extremely odd to think anyone in the world can be seeing a nude image of me! My nature is very modest, and now I have children, which I never pictured myself doing either! (laughs). So it does haunt me a little bit, the fact that …hey, what if my kids’ friends see these images too? But then I remember that it’s a movie role.

CHRIS: Despite being in such great shape, did any of the stunt work on the films still present a challenge to you?
SUE: Not really! I remember wanting to do more stunts than Albert wanted me to do. My stunt double got to do some things that I remember saying to Albert; “Hey, can I try that? ” He wanted to keep me from being injured, but I did get to do a lot of really cool stuff.
CHRIS: After a 20-plus year hiatus, you’re back playing Alex in Nemesis 5: The New Model, which was directed by Dustin Ferguson. Please describe Alex’s involvement in this film.
SUE: Well, Alex has been in hiding, discouraged and feeling that she has failed and saddened by the current state of things. She finds hope in young Ari Frost, who she trains to be her successor, in a way, and who has the ability to pick up where Alex left off.
CHRIS: The Nemesis films are all that are listed at your IMDb page, but you have been in some other films, haven’t you?
SUE: No, actually!
CHRIS: I see. So now, I’d like to touch on your bodybuilding career because you were a bodybuilder before, as well as after, you started acting. What was your very first competition?

SUE: The Ms. NIU Contest when I was a student in college. The other girls and I knew each other from the weight room where we all trained. I didn’t know much about contest preparation but I won, and I suppose that was why I began to love being on stage!
CHRIS: Would you say female bodybuilding has changed much since you were competing?
SUE: I think it has. I don’t follow it as closely these days, but it is much different. There are so many divisions now in each contest and many more pro cards being awarded. It used to be a very rare and coveted thing to earn your pro card. I’ve heard many female bodybuilders these days that are unhappy with the changes.
CHRIS: Who were some of your toughest competitors? I mean, were there certain ladies you always knew would give you a real run for your money when you were competing against them?
SUE: My good friend, Michele Ralabate, always was in flawless condition and was an amazing performer posing. I will always be surprised that I won Nationals before she did! But really, I tried to just focus on getting myself as ready as I could to step onstage. There can always be someone who is going to look better on that day but you can’t think about that.
CHRIS: What is your workout routine like these days?

SUE: Well, when I do go to the gym, it’s pretty much just to keep strength and flexibility. My job everyday is very physical so I need to be strong to do it everyday, but it’s very hard to work if I’m sore! So I don’t lift heavy .
CHRIS: Do you stick to a pretty strict diet?
SUE: Umm, yes and no. I’m a little fanatical about logging everything I eat and keeping everything in the right proportions as far as carbs, fat, and proteins. But within those guidelines I admit, I sometimes just eat whatever I want! I’ve got a thing for Mexican sweet bread.
CHRIS: Have you ever judged any competitions?
SUE: No. I imagine that would be a really difficult thing to do, but I would love to!
CHRIS: Do you have any interests of hobbies that most people don’t know about?
SUE: I love to read, I love comedy and music,and I am very much a loner who is kind of shy sometimes. I wish I could do yoga …I definitely cannot!
CHRIS: Do you have any appearances at any events coming up in the near future?
SUE: No, but if asked….
CHRIS: With that, I’ll thank you again for doing this, Sue. In closing, any shout-outs to anyone?
SUE: Well of course a huge thank you to Albert Pyun, for finding me and choosing me to be Alex! He and his whole crew really did so much for me, just some girl that had never even been on camera before. And to Dustin Ferguson for bringing Alex back for Nemesis 5. And I have God to thank for all that I have.

Still from Nemesis 5: The New Model

Thank you to Dawna Lee Heising at Eye On Entertainment

About the author

Chris Charles

Editor-in-Chief at Idol Features // More articles

Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Chris flirted with the music business there and in Nashville before joining the U.S. Army and serving in South Korea. He remained in Asia for several years afterwards, teaching English, traveling, and covering the regional entertainment scenes. Currently in a mindset between Seoul and San Francisco, besides Idol Features, you can also catch his writings in the print edition of the monthly magazine, Effective.

Sue Price – Idol Features (2025)


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